Friday, July 19, 2013

Healthy Whole-Wheat Bread

There are few things that can beat the smell of hot bread right out of the oven. I love homemade bread. It tastes delicious. You can eat it hot right out of the oven. It's real and you know what is in it. Saying that however I've definetly had my struggles with making bread. It's not easy getting it just right. I don't have a mechanical mixer so I've had to knead it by hand. Anyway let's just say that my bread hasn't always turned out moist and fluffy. However after numerous adjustments I have found one that I like.

Whole-Wheat Bread Recipe

5 cups warm water
2 eggs
1/2 cup or 1 cube butter
5 cups whole white wheat flour
1 Tbs salt

Mix well for 30-40 seconds then add 3 Tbs SAT instant yeast. mix well. Then add 7 more cups of flour. I added 1 cup at a time and stirred each in before adding the next. Knead dough for at least 5 minutes. use a rolling pin to roll dough out. roll it up, tuck the ends in and put in buttered or sprayed pans. Let raise until doubled. Cook at 350 degrees for 30 min.

Yumm. can you smell that fresh bread now. you'll want to take the bread out of the pans shortly after coming out of the oven or it will get soggy. Store in plastic bag. i put mine in the freezer or fridge so it lasts longer.

slice and butter and enjoy.

Just another note: i have to say I am working on a soaked version of this. whole-wheat bread is good for you but soaked whole wheat bread is better. I'll let you know soon but for now this is still my go-to bread recipe.

This post is linked to: The Holistic Squid, healthyrootshappysoul, Slightly Indulgent Tuesday, real food forager, and butter believer.

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