Saturday, September 10, 2016

FHE: Pack your 72 Hour Kit

A great FHE that can help prepare your family for an emergency is to review and pack your 72 hour kit. Emergency preparedness can give us security and a plan in case of emergency. Imagine that having to get up and leave is an actual reality. Would your 72 hr kit be sufficient?

This FHE is inspired by this family's awesome story here.

Start FHE With a song and prayer
we sang "I will go, I will do"

After the prayer announce to your kids that you are having an emergency practice. Everyone has 3 minutes to get everything they will need for the next three days and be in the car. After the three minutes are up tell everyone to get in the car.

If you have a 72 hr kit already, throw it in.

After this experience you can can with your family about what you learned. Do you think you are prepared? What would you need to be more prepared? Does everyone know where and what is in the 72 hour kits?

Make a list of everything you may need in your 72 hour kit. We just used this one.

Here is what we decided to get:

Awesome Backpacks that would make carrying all of this easier

Food, Drinking Water, and Cooking:

Miniature cooker; This is great if you would be traveling and not able to start a camp fire.
Water Packets, and the filtering water bottles you can get from the church's home storage center, As well as a 5 gallon water storage that could easily be grabbed and thrown in the vehicle with the 72 hour kits.
We stopped at the local grocery store and got canned chicken, jerky, peanut butter, granola bars. applesauce, raisins, milk cartons (the sterilized ones). I tried to focus on high calorie, filling food. Getting enough for each person.

Shelter: We got a tarp and rope as well as plastic sheeting, and we already have a tent.
wool blanket or sleeping bags
Camp Stove and Fuel: this one is great as well as storing wood in your home... and don't forget matches
Cooking pots and Utensils: small cookware. we grabbed utensils we already had.
Flashlights: This flashlight lantern is great or this solar hand crank one that also has a charger and radio attached.
AM/FM Radio: This is another combination one
Long Burning candle:
Mantle Lantern:
Light Sticks:
Second Method to start fire: Butane starter or flint and steel
Disposable plates, cups, and utensils:
Zip lock bags
Duct Tape
Plastic Sheeting

Shovel, Hatchet, Axe, Handheld Chainsaw, Pocket knife, leatherman

First Aid Kit and supplies
General first aid kit, burn kit and large dressings, or get this fully stocked kit

Prescription medicines taken regularly
Potassium iodide tablets
emergency battery pack for cell phone
50 ft nylon rope and heavy duty tarp with grommets
Whistle with neck cord (this is also compass, thermometer, and mirror)
Makeshift toilet and toilet paper
13 Gallon trash can liners
Nitrile rubber gloves
Dust masks

Personal Comfort kit
Toothbrushes, sanitary napkins, diapers, wipes, deodorant, sewing kit, razors, tissues...ect

Spare eyeglasses
Fire extinguisher
Money (small bills for robbers)
Copies of important papers: wills, birth certificate, insurance forms, emergency phone numbers, ss card
Change of clothes

Walkie  Talkies

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