Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sharing Time June 2014 Week 2

Sharing Time June 2014 Week 2

IDENTIFY THE DOCTRINE (singing a song): Show the children a picture of the temple nearest where you live. Invite them to sing the first verse of “I Love to See the Temple” (CS, 95). Point out the phrase “I’m going there someday,” and ask the children to listen for why Church members go to the temple as you sing together the second verse of the song. Discuss their answers and emphasize that temple ordinances make it possible for families to be together forever.

ENCOURAGE APPLICATION (drawing a picture): Give each child a piece of paper with a simple drawing of a temple on it (click here for temple drawing). Invite the children to draw their family members holding hands near the temple. Encourage them to share their pictures with their families at home.



Idea 1:

Use a flip chart (printables provided below) to go through the words of "I love to see the temple" Help the children identify how the song teaches us families can be together forever

IDENTIFY THE DOCTRINE (singing a song): Show the children a picture of the temple nearest where you live. Invite them to sing the first verse of “I Love to See the Temple” (CS, 95). 
Point out the phrase “I’m going there someday,” and ask the children to listen for why Church members go to the temple as you sing together the song. 
Show them each line on the flipchart as you discuss that portion of the song. Talk about each portion of the song specifically the following.
  • To feel the holy spirit to listen and to pray:  
    • ask them what this line tells us about the temple. (perhaps that we must be reverent so we can be close to our father in heaven)
  • I'll covenant with my father, I"ll promise to obey:
    • Ask the children what a covenant is. (explain that a handshake represents a covenant because it is a symbol that we agree to do something)
    • Ask the children what we are promising... (to obey heavenly fathers commandments)
  • For the temple is a holy place, where we are sealed together:
    • Ask the children what being sealed together means or how we are sealed. (explain that because we are sealed through priesthood authority and this binds us together for eternity... perhaps compare sealing to a lock or the binding on a book that holds the pages together.)
  • As a child of god, I've learned this truth, a family is forever:
    • Ask the children what truth we've learned. (finish up by explaining that because we are sealed in the temple our families are forever.)

ENCOURAGE APPLICATION (drawing a picture): Give each child a piece of paper with a simple drawing of a temple on it (click here for temple drawing). Invite the children to draw their family members holding hands near the temple. Encourage them to share their pictures with their families at home.

Idea 2

Hide puzzle pieces  of a temple around the room. Have the children find the pieces. One by one have the children bring the pieces to the front and read a way the temple helps our family be eternal. (Printables below)
preparation: print off puzzle printable and write clues on the back of each piece. (clues below) Hide around the primary room. Print off coloring sheet. (also can print off the flipchart if your kids don't "I love to see the temple)
IDENTIFY THE DOCTRINE: Begin by either having the children look under their chairs for a paper or by choosing a child one at a time to look around the room and find a puzzle piece.  Have them come up to the front of the room and read what is on the back of the puzzle piece. (the following is what is on the back)
  • I go here to feel the holy spirit
  • I go here to Listen to my Heavenly Father
  • I go here to pray
  • This is the house of God
  • This is a place of love and beauty
  • I need to prepare my self while I'm young to enter here.
  • I will one day make covenants with my father here
  • This is a very holy place
  • In this place we are sealed together
  • Because we have these our families can be forever
As they bring up each puzzle piece discuss what they each mean. Once the puzzle is finished explain how each statement relates to the temple and forever families.

Invite them to sing the first verse of “I Love to See the Temple” (CS, 95). Point out the phrase “I’m going there someday,” and ask the children to listen for why Church members go to the temple as you sing together the second verse of the song. Discuss their answers and emphasize that temple ordinances make it possible for families to be together forever.

ENCOURAGE APPLICATION (drawing a picture): Give each child a piece of paper with a simple drawing of a temple on it (click here for temple drawing). Invite the children to draw their family members holding hands near the temple. Encourage them to share their pictures with their families at home.


To download pdfs click below:

If you would like the png file just click the pictures, right click, save as.

*pictures come from lds.org media library

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  1. This is perfect, thank you so much for sharing your hard work!

  2. I was completely stuck trying to plan for this Sunday & your puzzle idea totally pulled it together for me! Thank you so much!

  3. This is just what I needed! Thanks!

  4. Thank you! That is exactly the type of printable words with pictures I wanted! It really helps the junior primary, and you saved me tons of time! I love the puzzle Idea, too.

  5. Thank you so much! The temple puzzle was exactly what I was looking for!

  6. Such a big help--thanks for sharing!!

  7. I love the puzzle idea and appreciate you sharing your talents with all of us! Thank you, thank you from a grateful Primary President.

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